Friday, June 3, 2011

Starting to Pack, Beginning to Panic

Don’t worry. I’m not actually panicking but I am realizing that I don’t have as much space in my suitcase as I thought I did. I guess I have the space but the weight might do me in. I have 4 pounds worth of coffee, souvenirs, a few books, and my clothes to factor in. Oh well, it will work out.

This week we met a girl named Haley from Alabama who is going to language school before she sets out to do some awesome mission work in a remote village at an orphanage. This is her 4th trip to Honduras doing work with orphans and this is her longest trip yet...2 months! I'm getting rid of some of my baggage by donating some of my "Honduran" items to her such as Dramamine, bug spray, sunscreen, Pepto, and anything else she could use on her trip. I don't have a link to it now, but she just started a Tumblr account if anyone wishes to follow her travels.

As for today, my last day here in Copan, I have had a relaxing morning. I got up and ate with Claire before she took off for kindergarten and I went back to bed for awhile. I'm now procrastinating before I do my homework and thank you cards for my teacher and family. I need to take a lot of pictures today so I can show anyone who is interested when I get back. I think I'm done shopping and tonight will be the big night of packing.

Yesterday morning we were supposed to go to the coffee farm but our driver didn't show up so we did the next best! Claire had to do some shopping for her nanny girls and family and I found some more things as well. In the afternoon during class we went to the coffee farm...the driver had completely forgotten that he was supposed to pick us up that morning and came and got us immediately. That's service! Anyway, the coffee farm is called Guacamaya which is the national bird (the red macaw). We saw a little bit of the process of coffee before it's roasted and the lady giving us the tour used a machine to take off the shell of the beans so I could buy a pound of green unroasted beans for my dad. After that, we went to a flower shop and I took some flower pictures. Kind of random, but it was pretty!

Last night we went to a restaurant called Nia Lola's and it was so good! I got a Gringo taco which was 2 tortillas with chicken and cheese in between with salsa and guacamole. We then went and got chocolate covered fruit like we do every night because it's only like 50 cents for a big piece. Luckily we just discovered this place so we haven't gone TOO much.

That's all for now from Honduras. Thanks again for reading. I'll post when I get back to the USA! More pictures to come on Facebook as well.

Coffee before it is roasted.

Coffee plants in the shade.

My teacher...we are too much alike.

Us at the school!